Texture #1
- This texture is more of an
uneven texture. The skirt in the
picture was found in the market
place in Ahmedabad. It is soft
fabric but with the shinny little
mirrors it creates an uneven texture.
Texture # 2
- This texture was found while visiting
the Reliance Media office in Mumbai. It
is a tile texture with the many different
tiles creating a Monique piece of work.
Even the stones on the side of the tile
have a texture.
Texture #3
- Our last night in Ahmedabad we went to
a traditional dinner. It was really cool because
we got to see them dance and sing. Then we all
sat on the floor underneath this tent. This is
a picture of the side of the tent. It had a rough
texture and it felt a little like burlap.
Texture #4
- This was actually a cool texture. It
looked like fiber glass but it had some
form of plastic glazed on top. It was rough
like fiber glass also. The colors made the
texture stand out a little more I think.
Texture #5
- This is a leather texture. It
was actually a menu for The Green
House which was located in one of
the hotels we stopped at in Old City.
You can tell how smooth it was by
the way the leather hide looks in
the picture. The texture though was
getting a little worn.
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