Friday, July 30, 2010

Patterns of India

These patterns I thought were unique because I found
them in a market place in Mt. Abu. They had a bunch of
scarfs with different patterns. Each one is unique in its
own way.

In old city Ahmedabad we went to the first temple
and I liked the different floral patters of these women's
saris. Each one had some different kind of colorful floral
pattern and it just made them stand out.

This is when we went to some jewelry
making shop in Jaipur. They had this
bench that was stone but on top of
it was this cushion. It was a quilt type
pattern. It was a variety of Indian

The Taj was one of the coolest place
I have been in my life. This was taken outside
one of the small doors. I picked it for pattern
because the tile on the floor of Taj. It made
a unique pattern that went all the way around
the Taj.

Similar to the Taj was another
pattern that had a zig zag shape
except I found it at the Agra
Fort across from the Taj. This
actually use to be where the
water dripped into the fountain
but there has been no rain for a
while so it wasn't flowing.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

ABC's of India

This A was found in old Ahmedabad
city. I saw a man trying to sell it to
me on the streets but I wasn't really
sure what it was. Then at a glance it
looked like an abstract A.

I found this B when Jenny and I
went exploring the palace in Jaipur.
It was a zoomed in shot of the B
because it created a pattern that
kept repeating. It also looks like
a honey comb.

This C was found at one of
our favorite places to eat,
Mainland China! The C was on
table underneath the glass. It
was more of a Chinese pattern.

While visiting the old well that
was five stories below the ground
I found this D shape. The coloring
of the light grey makes it stand out
more since there really isn't an outline
of the letter. It was about the well where
there were tombs of Indian ancestors.
It had also rained that day so that could
be another reason for the discoloration
of the grey bricks.

This E was part of an amazing
lock system on this old wooden
door. It was located in an old
children's school in Old Ahamedabad.
The door man showed us how it locked
and unlocked while we were all amazed
of how cool and unique the lock was.

This F was found in New Delhi on
the side of a dirty bus. We were stuck
in the crazy rush hour traffic when I
looked to the left of me and saw an
entire bus load of people looking
back at me. The way the rain had
washed some of the dirt of the bus
created the letter F on the side.

While at the marble factory in Agra
I had noticed some marble work that
had beautiful carvings in them. They
created all kinds of unique shapes that
are a part of the Indian culture. In one
of the shapes I had noticed there was a G.
The way it curved and the top and came
around had a pretty good resemblance
of the letter.

The H I found was at Gandhi's
home. There was a fence that went
around the property that had lines
that created these Hs. Some are
flipped upside down and some
right side up. It was also a form
of repetition.

I found this on the ground one the
way to the electronic store. No it
is not the i from iphone or ipod.
It just happened to be a pattern
that these tiles were placed in.
The colors of light peach and dark
peach helped the I stand out a little

J is for Jaipur. Well we road these
amazing elephants in Jaipur up to
this old palace. It was great because
we got our pictures with the elephant.
The way this one elephant threw his
trunk up onto the side of the building
reminded me of the J.

When visiting Jaipur we also
got to go to another palace.
This one had all sorts of little
museums like clothing and art.
This one in particular was a weapons
room. The way they displayed these
knives they used back in the day made
a shape of the K. It was funny because
I wasn't supposed to be taking pictures
so I snapped this one and then ran off.

L is for Lothal on a rainy day.
I actually remember this day well
because I was my birthday. While
walking around the ruins of Lothal
I spotted this ruin that was old and
had fallen down over time. I am sure
it wasn't shaped like an L originally
but it ended up that way.

Even though this actually isn't
an M the way the two arches
form it visually creates the M.
I found these beautiful arches
when we were in Jaipur. We had
taken an elephant ride up to this
old palace. While exploring the
hidden passage ways I glanced
out over the court yard and
directly across from me were these
arches that created the shape of an M.

I took this picture on the way
to Gandhi's house. We were
crossing the bridge heading
to old Ahamedabad. When I
looked out of the window I was
trying to get a real quick snap
shot of the river when I actually
go this picture instead. The way
the bridge was connected it looked
like the letter N.

This was once a well that was connected
to the watering system in an old building.
It was interesting how the picture resembles
the an O. When looking down the well all
you saw was black. The history of the well
was that it was in this old school building
and was the only source of water.

While walking through the streets one
day in Delhi I had noticed a bunch of paint
had spilt on the ground. It had created all sorts
of shapes. When looking closely in this close
up of the picture I saw the P.

The first day we had to tour Ahamedabad
they took us to a mall. It was interesting
because they were all so proud of their malls.
To us a mall is a mall back at home. You seen
one you might as well have seen them all.
This was an actual ad for one of the Jewelry
and clothing stores in the mall. The way the
ribbon is attached to the bangle it created
a Q. The colors also help the Q stand out
a little more in the picture.

In Jaipur we visited a jewelry shop that made
beautiful jewelry. We got to see how it was
made and the people who designed the pieces.
This little stand reminded me of a lower case
R. It held this diamond pendents that were
made for a princess to wear.

This detail at the holly well we went to
was on the side of the stairs. It looks kind
of like henna with the curves and curls of the
lines. The way the center line curves it creates
a beautiful S that continues down the rest of
the pictures. It is also surround by beautiful
flower shapes.

This T was found on the huge 9 foot doors at
the Agra Fort. It was made all out of wood
and had been there for hundreds of years.
It was cool because it was part of the lock
on the door.

This U was found at one of
the first temples we visited in
old Ahmedabad. It was right outside
of the shrine to the elephant god. At
first it looked kind of like an a place
where you could place you offering but
it had no place to actually put it. I found
these silver U shaped boxes outside of each
shrine of each Hindu god.
This V was easy to find.
It was located on the school
campus that we were staying
at called MICA. It's funny
because the V makes up two
different tress but if you look
at the tree on the right the
upper branches also make a V.
The two trees don't come
all the way together but stand
at a certain point of view you
can pick out the V.
While visiting Gandhi's
home we got to go through
a museum that showed his
whole life story. In one of
the pictures it showed him
and his wife. She was in a
very pretty white dress with
designed lines that were in
the shape of a W. The pattern
show the W being repeated
over and over again.

X marks the spot is a good saying.
When touring the street of Mt. Abu
there was this old gate that had a few
of these X looking shapes on it. The
way the iron gate was welded created
the shape of an X with to different pieces.

They Y can be seen in lots of things like tree, branches
and architecture. When traveling to Mt. Abu we went
down to visit the lake and I saw this light post. It look
a lot like the shape of a Y.

When we were in Agra we went to visit the Agra
Fort which is located across from the Taj Mahal.
In the fort there were little green shrubs and
around the shrubs was some sort of brick. The
way the brick was laid it formed a Z shape.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Symbols of American converted to India

This is the plus symbol that is actually
used as a sign for a pharmacy. It was a
really pretty blue green color. It also
looks cool because the words are faded out.

This picture was taken of the lobby floor
of the hotel in Mumbai. It is made to look
like a bunch of periods. They are even all
different sizes.

This was the side of the building but
if you look close to the window it creates
a number sign. This was one of the many
office building that was in Delhi.

One of my favorite things in the world
are stars. It's a great special character
to use when you can use an astrik. It was
really cool to because they were painted
on the elephants face.

This special character is the ones
use in don't do this or don't do that.
It was cool because it was the center
shape in some door I had found. It
even has like a greater than and less
than symbol in it or I could just be

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Color Contrasts

This picture shows how the colors
simultaneously look next to each other.
The gold is so outstanding that it makes
the orange curtain behind the god almost
look like a coper color. The gold is also
so bright that it draws your attention away
from the other colors simultaneously.

So I didn't have any pictures of the
sunrise or actually fire but when
driving back to get to MICA I
noticed these sculptures. They
looked like fire and would go
from the warmer colors that
represent the temperature.

Even though I didn't photo shop
this picture the colors up against
the wall create a type of photo
saturation of the colors. Even the
dog being so dark in the picture shows
the saturation of the photo.

I chose this picture for two reasons. One was
the value of light and dark colors. The other
wood in the background is dark but the one
window is light. Also value as in terms of
something old and loosing value.

I found this in a shop on the street. It is
a wide variety of bangles with different hues
of colors. It was an interesting assortment
of the color scale.